2D IN YOUR 3D!!!

Blender Perspective Tricks

when you bring
2d into your 3d
be it
greenscreen footage,
text or
grease pencil,
there are methods
for making it
face the camera.

these are those.

00:00 Intro
01:03 Sidebar : Use Images as Planes
01:39 Copy Rotation
02:17 Sidebar : Pixel Art Textures
03:36 If it’s Grease Pencil
05:52 Sidebar : Multiple Cameras
06:42 Drivers for multiple cameras
11:37 Geometry nodes and Particles
16:29 Speech Bubbles – Always the same size!
20:08 Equarectangular projection

I’ve been chipping away at this over my bus commute in the morning and evenings (I don’t have a lot of free time, and my battery only lasts a 3rd of the bus journey)


Learn GEOMETRY NODES in 2 minutes!


Learn Geometry Nodes (or Geo-Nodes) in just over two minutes! This tutorial is for people like I was a few weeks ago, who really wanted to a first step up to learning geo-nodes but needed that step up. And they didn’t want that step up to be a half hour tutorial – just the basics.

This tells you enough so you can start using geo-nodes where you were previously using static particles – grass, trees, weeds, or in this case mushrooms.

Minute Waltz by Frederic Chopin; rearranged and performed by Filip Koluš of Signum Regis.