Material Greenscreen


Every so often it’s good to take a bit of greenscreen footage, place it like a cardboard cutout in a 3D scene, and do some nice smooth CG camera moves.

Now you can key out the greenscreen within material nodes!

Credits in order of appearance:
Little House by dono
Aquarius Loading theme from Super Carling the Spider by Joe Dixon
Floppy Disk Drive Write by mrauralization
Material Girl by Madonna arranged for C64 by Sami Sepp
Photo by Eugene Capon from Pexels
Peacock by Magdabed

Eevee + Alpha : Smoke

A BUG-FIX IN BLENDER 2.8 HAS MADE THIS EASIER!!! Make sure that your version of Blender 2.8 was released on or after 3rd Jan 2019.

Rendering smoke with an alpha layer in Eevee is not straight forward – but it’s not that hard either. This tutorial assumes you’ve already made the smoke, and are now hunting for that elusive transparency.

The .blend files can be found here:

Note – 40% faster refers to the tutorial being 40% shorter – not counting intro and outro.


LEAF is a game for the Acorn Archimedes which I started in 98, returned to and finished in 2003, never actually released, but displayed at galleries until my A3010 disk drive got tired of touring.  After this it sat mouldering in a cupboard until I brought the disks to the Risc Os London Show 2018 and Rob Coleman kindly restored it.  You can now download it and run it in an Archimedes emulator.


I’m particularly keen to see if anyone actually starts making levels with it, but I guess that’s optimistic.


The emulator that I’ve been using is Arculator – download from here

When you unzip and run it, you get a message about missing roms. You can download them from here

I chose , but the other versions may well work as well.

You next put the contents of that zip in the appropriate folder of the ROMS folder.  I chose RiskOs3.1 so I put it in the RISCOS3 folder.

You next have to tell Arculator you’re running RiskOs3

Leaf was created on an A3010 which has this CPU type:

After that, you can use the disk menu to load the LEAF disk image!


Z      : LEFT            
X      : RIGHT           
SHIFT  : JUMP            
         PICK UP OBJECT, 

Rhubarb + Blender: Animated Textures (Like with Lego)

The 5th and final episode of the Rhubarb and Blender pentogy (like a trilogy, but with 5) of tutorials. This time we animate textures – with virtual Lego!

00:00 - Intro
00:24 - Downloading and installing
01:14 - Separating the mouth
05:42 - UV Projecting the mouth
08:38 - Rigging the UV project
10:21 - Setting up the pose Library
12:29 - Setting up Rhubarb Lipsync
12:45 - Setting up audio playback
14:56 - Running Rhubarb
15:40 - Constant Interpolation


Rhubarb lipsinc:
Rhubarb Lipsinc Download:
Rhubarb Lipsync for Blender:
Minifig Model:
(other CGI minifigs are available)
Mouths Texture:
(other mouths can be easily drawn)

Manuel Bastioni LAB, Rhubarb Lipsync + Blender Tutorial

This time – using Rhubarb with Manuel Bastioni LAB!

00:00 – Intro
00:29 – Installing addons
01:46 – Setting up a Manuel Bastioni LAB charactor
03:00 – The MANY shapekeys of Manuel Bastioni
05:04 – The five shapekeys that we care about
06:39 – Setting up drivers
13:36 – Setting up the pose library
17:52 – Running Rhubarb

Manuel Bastioni LAB:

Rhubarb Lipsync:

Rhubarb addon for Blender:

Relevent shapekey names:

Blender + Rhubarb Lipsync : Shapekeys

The second of a set of two tutorials: different approaches to using Rhubarb Lipsync with Blender. This one is on animating a mouth with shapekeys – the first is on stopmotion-style animation.

00:00 - Intro
00:23 - Downloading and installing the addon and project files
01:12 - Intro to the blendfile and its shapekeys
02:45 - Set up the armature
04:48 - Set up the drivers
05:28 - Attach drivers to bones
11:15 - Pose Library
13:20 - Preparing Rhubarb - importing sound

RHUBARB LIPSYNC is an open-source automated lipsync program by Daniel S Wolf. It was used on the 2017 Ron Gilbert adventure game Thimbleweed Park.
Rhubarb Lipsync Page:
Rhubarb Lipsync Download:

The RHUBARB LIPSYNC BLENDER ADDON for it is by Scaredyfish:

The BLEND FILES used in the tutorial can be downloaded here:

The MOUTH REFERENCE IMAGE can be found here:

SISTER TUTORIALBlender + Rhubarb Lipsync : Stopmotion Style

Blender + Rhubarb Lipsync : Stopmotion Style

The first of a set of two tutorials: different approaches to using Rhubarb Lipsinc with Blender. This one is on stopmotion-style animation – cutting between different mouth models – the second will use shape keys.

00:00 - Intro
00:23 - Downloading and installing the addon and project files
01:12 - Setting up the rig
03:48 - Setting up the Pose Library
06:19 - Preparing to run Rhubarb Lipsinc
10:49 - Adjusting the keyframes

RHUBARB LIPSYNC is an open-source automated lipsync program by Daniel S Wolf. It was used on Thimbleweed Park.
Rhubarb Lipsync Page:
Rhubarb Lipsynce Download:

The RHUBARB LIPSYNC BLENDER ADDON for it is by Scaredyfish:

The BLEND FILES used in the tutorial can be downloaded here:

The MOUTH REFERENCE IMAGE can be found here:

Free Automated Lipsync: Blender, Makehuman + Rhubarb


We can now do fully automated nine-phoneme lipsinc, using the same Program that Ron Gilbert and his team used on Thimbleweed Park.

Rhubarb Lipsync is created by Daniel S Wolf, and the Blender addon is created by Scaredyfish.

There are a lot of links in this tutorial, so here goes…

First there’s the software:

  • Rhubarb Lipsinc Download Page:
  • Rhubarb Lipsinc Blender Addon:

And then some bits I created myself:

I was really exited to discover this – even if it makes my previous tutorials obsolete!


Lipsinc for the Lazy in Blender 2: Realism

As promised – lazy lipsinc with realistic human models – from Makehuman, ManualBastioniLAB or wherever.

From MakeHuman to Blender with IK and Face Controls Tutorial

Personally, I’m using a model imported from Makehuman using this method ➡️
but other realistic humans are available.

The technique for lazy animation for realistic humans is a little different to lazy animation for more cartoony characters: The movement has to be more subtle.

00:55 – Creating shapekeys
08:45 – Setting up drivers
18:07 – Facial expression
19:15 – Recording body animation

I hope you all find this helpful.

Lipsinc for the Lazy

LIPSINC for the LAZY on Blender.

Episode 1: Tweened Cartoon.

A quick and simple way to animate dialog.

This would be ideal for a youtuber who wants to represent themselves as an avatar, or quickly animating a cartoon that mostly consists of dialog.

On later episodes I’m going to look at using more realistic characters (EG from Makehuman), and stop-motion – style characters, with replacement mouths and faces.

00:17 Touching up your sound in Audacity
00:54 Important setup steps
01:12 Import the sound
01:51 Add shape Keys
03:31 Shapekeys react to audio
06:05 Shapekeys for exressions
09:22 Animate expressions
10:17 Why don’t we use actions for the body?
11:52 Setting up a pose-lib
12:14 Animating the body

A slightly more advanced version of the character can be found here:

Creating a Crowd in Blender and Makehuman

Part 1: Makehuman___________________________00:57
Part 2: The Gimp____________________________05:11
Part 3: Importing into Blender______________09:26
Part 4: Materials___________________________10:14
Part 5: Correcting FBX rotation wierdness___12:52
Part 6: Setting up variations in Edit Mode__13:37
Part 7: Randomising Materials 1_____________17:06
Part 8: Modulo Explained____________________19:53
Part 9: Randomising Materials 2_____________22:14
Part 10: Setting up simple IK_______________24:06
Part 11: Adding black people________________28:35
Part 12: The Particle system________________32:08
Part 13: Animation: Setting up actions______37:23
Part 14: Animation: combining the actions___47:32

Blender Tesla Coil Lightning Tutorial

Blender Tesla Coil Lightning Tutorial

Part 1: Modelling __________________________ 0:39
Part 2: Modifiers __________________________ 3:25
Part 2B: Variations ________________________ 8:26
Part 3: Materials and compositing _________ 10:00
Part 4: Animation _________________________ 13:06
Addendum: _________________________________ 15:28

Blender Tutorial: Tesla Coil Lightning

Blender Tutorial: Tesla Coil Lightning

Part 1: Modelling __________________________ 0:39
Part 2: Modifiers __________________________ 3:25
Part 2B: Variations ________________________ 8:26
Part 3: Materials and compositing _________ 10:40
Part 4: Animation _________________________ 13:38
Addendum: _________________________________ 16:00

Open Source Video Editing – Lesson 10: Blender Addon: VSE Transform Tools

Open Source Video Editing
Lesson 10: Blender Addon: VSE Transform Tools

This shows how to install Blender Addon: VSE Transform Tools from

Keypresses covered:
T – transform strip
G : Grab
(X move only along X dimension – Y only along Y dimension)
ALT-G : Return to original position
S : Scale
(X scale only along X dimension – Y scale only along Y dimension)
ALT-S : Return to original size
R : Rotate
ALT-R : Return to original orientation

Open Source Video Editing – Lesson 9: Blender addons: Jump to Cut

Open Source Video Editing –
Lesson 9: Blender addons: Jump to Cut

This teaches how to install Blender addons to make Blender better for editing video.
This Addon: Jump To Cut by Carlos Padial is available from

Open Source Video Editing – Lesson 8 : Speeding and Reversing

Open Source Video Editing
Lesson 8 : Speeding and Reversing

This lesson covers
Reversing footage (playing backwards)
Speeding up and slowing down – various ways of doing this,ending with the one I believe to be the most practical. This method uses Metastrips, which are covered in this lesson:

Open Source Video Editing Lesson 6: Keyframes and Scaling

Open Source Video Editing
Lesson 6: Keyframes and Scaling

Keyframes (Create with I, delete with ALT I)
Opacity / transparency
Offset and Cropping
Transform effect (move, scale and rotate)
Fancy use of strip ordering, transparencies, and modification layers
Use of curves in video editing view for linear keyframing

Open Source Video Editing Lesson 5: Colour Correction and Wipes

Open Source Video Editing
Lesson 5: Colour Correction and Wipes

The covers:
SHIFT UP to expand the current panel
The video editing view and why I’m not recommending it
HOME to zoom to view everything
KEYPAD . to zoom into selected object
Adjustment layers (for applying modifiers to multiple clips)
Wipe transition

Open Source Video Editing Lesson 4: Editing

Open Source Video Editing
Lesson 4: Editing

This covers:
S-click to select
shift-right-click to select multiple clips
Key presses depends on what area of the screen the mouse-arrow is over
Adding video, audio, images and transition effects through menus or with Shift A
Box selection with B
Cut clips with K
Move clips around with G
Using this more precisely by typing in numbers or by pressing Y to move the clip in the y direction only
Deleting clips with the DELETE key

Open Source Video Editing – Lesson 1: Downloading Blender

Open Source Video Editing
Lesson 1: Downloading Blender

As promised – how to install the latest Blender on (ubuntu) Linux:

Open up terminal, and copy and paste the following lines into it.
After the first line it will ask you for your computer’s password. Type it in (as you type nothing will appear on the screen). The computer will also ask you to say yes/no (tap key Y or N) after some of the lines.

Here are the lines of code:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:thomas-schiex/blender
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install blender

I hope that helps.