Open Source Video Editing
Lesson 11: Addons: Easy Logging
Here we look at the excellent addon
Allowing us to use a three point edit, finding a shortclip within a longer clip, and adding it to the timeline.
Open Source Video Editing
Lesson 11: Addons: Easy Logging
Here we look at the excellent addon
Allowing us to use a three point edit, finding a shortclip within a longer clip, and adding it to the timeline.
Open Source Video Editing
Lesson 10: Blender Addon: VSE Transform Tools
This shows how to install Blender Addon: VSE Transform Tools from
Keypresses covered:
T – transform strip
G : Grab
(X move only along X dimension – Y only along Y dimension)
ALT-G : Return to original position
S : Scale
(X scale only along X dimension – Y scale only along Y dimension)
ALT-S : Return to original size
R : Rotate
ALT-R : Return to original orientation
Open Source Video Editing –
Lesson 9: Blender addons: Jump to Cut
This teaches how to install Blender addons to make Blender better for editing video.
This Addon: Jump To Cut by Carlos Padial is available from
Open Source Video Editing
Lesson 8 : Speeding and Reversing
This lesson covers
Reversing footage (playing backwards)
Speeding up and slowing down – various ways of doing this,ending with the one I believe to be the most practical. This method uses Metastrips, which are covered in this lesson:
Open Source Video Editing
Lesson 7 : Hiding and Metastrips
This lesson includes
Hiding strips with H
Unhiding strips with Alt H
Grouping strips with CONTROL G to create metastrips
Ungrouping strips with CONTROL ALT G
Open Source Video Editing
Lesson 6: Keyframes and Scaling
Keyframes (Create with I, delete with ALT I)
Opacity / transparency
Offset and Cropping
Transform effect (move, scale and rotate)
Fancy use of strip ordering, transparencies, and modification layers
Use of curves in video editing view for linear keyframing
Open Source Video Editing
Lesson 5: Colour Correction and Wipes
The covers:
SHIFT UP to expand the current panel
The video editing view and why I’m not recommending it
HOME to zoom to view everything
KEYPAD . to zoom into selected object
Adjustment layers (for applying modifiers to multiple clips)
Wipe transition
Open Source Video Editing
Lesson 4: Editing
This covers:
S-click to select
shift-right-click to select multiple clips
Key presses depends on what area of the screen the mouse-arrow is over
Adding video, audio, images and transition effects through menus or with Shift A
Box selection with B
Cut clips with K
Move clips around with G
Using this more precisely by typing in numbers or by pressing Y to move the clip in the y direction only
Deleting clips with the DELETE key
Open Source Video Editing
Lesson 3: File Systems
How to organise the files that make up a project so that the entire project an be moved between computers.
Open Source Video Editing
Lesson 2: Setting up Blender
How to find the video editor within Blender, Play with synchronised Audio and Video, and export videos with sound.
Open Source Video Editing
Lesson 1: Downloading Blender
As promised – how to install the latest Blender on (ubuntu) Linux:
Open up terminal, and copy and paste the following lines into it.
After the first line it will ask you for your computer’s password. Type it in (as you type nothing will appear on the screen). The computer will also ask you to say yes/no (tap key Y or N) after some of the lines.
Here are the lines of code:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:thomas-schiex/blender
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install blender
I hope that helps.