From MakeHuman to Blender with IK and Face Controls

From MakeHuman to Blender with IK and Face Controls

Don’t worry – I’ll get back to the Lipsinc for the Lazy series, but this is a necessary detour… Whether it had to be quite such an elaborate tutorial, and whether I had to make it a Ru Paul’s Drag Race spoof… I really don’t know. While under 10 mins this took around as long to make as the 50 min crowd tutorial!

Anyhow – this is about The MHX2 format (MakeHuman eXchange 2) which allows you to import into Blender with a full IK rig and facial controls.

MakeHuman Blender Addons

Then there’s three I decided to host myself. I didn’t create these addons: they’re made by the Makehuman Team.  All I did was zip them up individually ready for you to download and install in Blender by going LINK

  • MAKEWALK Enables you to import motion capture data in .bvh format. looks like it also works with
  • MAKETARGET Enables you to create custom shapes for the Makehuman body mesh in Makehuman
  • MAKECLOTHES Enables you to create clothes, hair, and other accessories in Makehuman.

Also, feel free to download How to Install Blender Addons in 8 Seconds and use it in your own tutorials.  This has the credits already added.

I would like to thank these videos for teaching me:
Import MakeHuman Files to Blender for Mac (Tutorial)
MakeHuman to Blender with IK Bones and Motion Capture (Tutorial)

Lipsinc for the Lazy

LIPSINC for the LAZY on Blender.

Episode 1: Tweened Cartoon.

A quick and simple way to animate dialog.

This would be ideal for a youtuber who wants to represent themselves as an avatar, or quickly animating a cartoon that mostly consists of dialog.

On later episodes I’m going to look at using more realistic characters (EG from Makehuman), and stop-motion – style characters, with replacement mouths and faces.

00:17 Touching up your sound in Audacity
00:54 Important setup steps
01:12 Import the sound
01:51 Add shape Keys
03:31 Shapekeys react to audio
06:05 Shapekeys for exressions
09:22 Animate expressions
10:17 Why don’t we use actions for the body?
11:52 Setting up a pose-lib
12:14 Animating the body

A slightly more advanced version of the character can be found here: